Love Jac Loves Miss Nina!

Disclaimer: We are aware this blog entry isn’t exactly “card” related and we need to warn you my super mommy pride will be showing big time.  However, one of Georgia’s most favorite people is coming out with her second CD and we had to help spread the word.  This Sunday, October 21, Miss Nina is throwing a CD release party at Greenlight Bookstore.

A packed house at Greenlight.

If you have a child and don’t know Miss Nina, you MUST check her out today.  We discovered Miss Nina at Georgia’s friend, Mae’s, 1st Birthday Party and our world hasn’t been the same since.  If you live in Brooklyn or the New York area you can book Miss Nina for your child’s next party or playgroup.  You can also check her out live in person at our favorite bookstore, Greenlight, performing at Sunday’s StoryTime (be sure to check their calendar).  If you do not live in the Brooklyn area, do not despair.  Miss Nina is extremely generous with her talent and posts a new Children’s Music Video on her phenomenal YouTube Channel every week.

Since I have become a mom the two things that I live for are #1 – watching Georgia learn and amaze me with her genius and #2 – dressing her every morning!   I will elaborate on #2 in another post, but seriously who doesn’t love styling their kid in mini-clothes? 

Yes, I am aware that my kid isn’t the only one who can recognize animals and can do “head, shoulders, knees, and toes.” But the first time Georgia made her hands “quack, quack, quack” during Miss Nina’s cult favorite “The Brown Bear Rap” I beamed from ear to ear.  Miss Nina has an energy about her that appeals to kids and does not annoy adults.  There are days when YouTube is on a loop for almost an hour and we never get tired of it.  I can remember a point when Georgia could only say “Hi”, “Bye”, and “Nina.”  Eventually she started saying “Mamma Mamma”, which initially I though she was referring to me, but when she kept pointing at the TV I realized she wanted Miss Nina’s rendition of “Llama llama Red Pajama.”

Miss Nina’s songs are interactive and you can’t help but get the whole family involved…especially when your kid is pulling your arm to get you to stand up so you can fully participate when “the bus gets crazy and the children start having a dance party.”  

Georgia leading "The Wheels on the Bus". PaPa, Aunt Marie, and Daddy following along nicely.

We are at a really fun age right now where Georgia is communicating with us, though the majority of the time, we might not completely understand her.  We have deciphered… “hoke, poke” means “Hokey Pokey”, “I-E-I-E-I-E” means “Old McDonald”, and “caaaahh” means “Miss Nina’s Car Song”, we still aren’t sure what song she means for “baby,” but she’s easily persuaded to watch “Love Grows.”

Miss Nina has many songs you can sing in different situations throughout your day, such as “Miss Nina’s Hand Washing Song.”  We have almost incorporated Miss Nina into everything we do.  One morning when Georgia decided to wake up particularly early, we turned a cardboard diaper box into a fire truck because she had become obsessed with “Hurry Hurry Drive The Fire Truck.”  

Hmm... What should we do with this box?

Let's make it into a fire truck!

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!

With a little scrap gift wrap, a couple sharpies, and some red tape, we were ready to put out a fire.


My mom HAD to buy Georgia a pink ukulele so she could have a kid-sized Miss Nina guitar.  Now she points to her dad’s guitar on the wall, runs to get her guitar, and the two of them sing and play together.  It is truly one of those “this is the man I married” moments.

Georgia signing "more" Miss Nina.

Chad and Georgia jammin'. Notice her capo.

Before I had Georgia I would consider myself an emotional person for sure, but if you would have told me having a child would make me almost weep at a moments notice, I would have said you were crazy.  We recently enrolled Georgia in Mark Morris’ Parent Toddler Movement Class (which we also highly recommend – they have live piano accompaniment, people!) and I would say at least once a class I almost explode with tears.  It’s a little embarrassing…especially because one of the walls is floor to ceiling mirrors and I can see my nostrils flaring.  Get it together, Jaclyn.  I digress; because of all the Miss Nina YouTube instruction Georgia knew just what to do in dance class.  She was “rowing her boat” and following directions like a champ and I credit it all to Miss Nina!

I have tried to discretely videotape Georgia watching Miss Nina’s videos.  Because I know the only people who would truly enjoy watching every moment of these iPhone videos are her grandparents, I have edited it down to hopefully entertain you.  That being said, I will not be offended if you take a pass.  Also, I apologize for my singing voice.  The rule for singing in our house is “it’s not about pitch, it’s about volume.”  Besides, I am not a singer. I am a card maker.  Again, I know I have a smidge of mommy pride and I’m trying hard not to be “that mom.”  I just want to show how much Miss Nina is a part of our lives.  Here's the video!

If you are a parent and want to entertain your child, but don’t want them watching mindless television, we highly recommend Miss Nina.  She pretty much does it all. Whether your child wants to hear something silly and fun (Ba-Rump Went the Little Green Frog) or you want to hear an old favorite from your childhood (Skinnamarink) Miss Nina is your go-to.

We know she is about to become a household name nationwide and we can’t wait to say “we knew her when” because in our house right up there with “El-woah” (Elmo) and “Barr” (Barney) is the one and only “Nina.”

Thanks Miss Nina!!


Don’t forget…if you are in Brooklyn...

Sunday, October 21, 11 AM

Special Baby Story Time: Miss Nina

CD Release Party for her new album Sha Doo Be Doop!

We will be out of town so “Shake Your Egg Shakers” for us!

If you can't make it you can certainly download her first CD while you wait for this one to be available online.

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1 comment

That is my friend Robert with wife Amy and son Jeremy in the picture from the bookstore!! Everyone must love Miss Nina! What fun!!


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